Janet Sumner Johnson
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28, 2010 |

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So I went to this concert. I won’t drop names, but here’s a picture I took. 🙂

We had fabulous seats (not to brag or anything), so we had a great view. Both my husband and I love his music. I already know he’s married with kids. Said to be a devoted husband. He’s handsome. An amazing guitar player. And a great sense of humor.

How could I possible like him more? I found out at the concert.

He singled out all the kids near the stage and made a point of getting them one of his guitar picks. How awesome is that?

So what does this have to do with writing? Everything. When we create our characters, how do we show that our MC is who we say he is?

Something as simple as giving a kid some attention can add depth to make them believable and real. What have you done in your book to show your readers who your MC is?

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