Janet Sumner Johnson
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Who Needs Sleep?


22, 2010 |

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So our darling angel-by-day transforms into a shrieking stinker by night. (Sounds a lot like Shrek to me.) With both London and Brandt, I could sleep through the cries, no problem. But Khyah’s little wail just strikes me in the depth of my bosom and I jerk out of sleep like a Mexican jumping bean (and those things are real, in case anyone wondered).

I have been Little Miss Grumpy Pants all week, and soon, I feel certain my brain will enter shut-down mode to preserve what little battery I have left. And then where will I be?

So, in desperation, I am going to let her cry it out. Multiple sources tell me I need to let her cry it out. I need to put my foot down about midnight snacks. She can sleep 8 hours in a stretch and all this should only take 3 days.

We never did this with the boys because London would throw-up which I couldn’t deal with (that and his daddy’s a big softy), and Brandt was always a pretty good sleeper—he doesn’t take naps . . . but at least he sleeps at night.

So, all you experts out there . . . what did you do to get your baby to sleep through the night? Any suggestions? Coping strategies? Name of the store you bought earplugs? Because I’m having visions of white coats and white walls while I shriek to anyone who’ll listen: “SLEEP?! I DON’T NEED NO STINKIN’ SLEEP! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!” (You’ll have to make the laugh sound as maniacal as you can in your own imagination.)

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