Janet Sumner Johnson
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“Fake Following”


10, 2010 |

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I was reading Elana’s blog last Tuesday, which I’m sure most of you saw (I mean, who doesn’t follow the fabulous Elana?!). She talked about blog building and following, and in the comments, a few people mentioned “fake following.”

This idea has been swimming through my brain ever since. I’ve seen blogs that specifically say: “Only follow me if you’re sincere” (or something to that effect). And I’ve seen those who follow, but rarely visit.

So here’s my question: What do you consider to be “fake following”?

Does that mean you follow and NEVER visit? Follow and only visit once a month? Twice a week? Is a true follower only one who stalks visits your blog daily?

Honestly, I follow blogs that I rarely visit. However, I only follow blogs on subjects I’m sincerely interested in, and I’ve never thought of it as “fake following.” I skim through my daily list of updated blogs and visit the ones with topics that interest me most until I run out of time.

Conversely, I’m always pleased when someone stops in and comments, but I have never looked through my follower list to see who is and who isn’t commenting. I figure we all have lives outside of the computer (at least I HOPE so!).

So how about you? What are your thoughts on “fake following”? And please, don’t be afraid to disagree with me. I’d love to hear what you think.

Speak up:



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