Janet Sumner Johnson
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The Things I Don’t Know (aka Weird Research)


12, 2015 |

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Writing books has been the most humbling experience of my life for so many reasons. SO. MANY. But today, I’ll just talk about one: The things I don’t know!

Oh, the things are vast, and many.

Silly things.
Important things.
Interesting things.
Things I SHOULD know.
Things I know I learned once upon a time.

Some of these things can be easily researched online. Some require experts (Hellooo Dr. Husband, you have been a life saver!). Sometimes I find a book on the subject. Some things require good hard study and mathematical equations (and then I’m back to seeking expert help . . . hellooo Father and Sister Mathematicians!! You’re the best!).

So before I bore you to death, here are some of the things I have had to research in the name of writing, though I won’t tell you why (bwahaha!):

Anyway, I could go on for a good long while. So many things I don’t know! And fascinating to discover that writing isn’t only about English and Grammar. Wasn’t I wishing I’d taken a few more math classes?

So how about you? Are you an expert in any of the above (And if so, please inform me so I can pick your brain!)? Do you want to learn about any of these things? What is the weirdest research you’ve ever done?

Speak up:



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