Janet Sumner Johnson
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The Circus!


04, 2010 |

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We splurged and took the kids to the circus tonight: Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus. Overpriced junk toys, overpriced food, lots of elephants, and magic galore. We had a blast!

London loved the Boom! of the human canons. Brandt was excited about the horseys and zebras. Rick liked the clowns. Khyah enjoyed watching the people behind us. And I loved watching my boys get so excited about everything. I wasn’t sure how they’d do, if they’d make it through the show, but they did. And they’re already asking to go back. Actually, Brandt didn’t want to leave. Cried the whole way home: “Turn around daddy! Go back!” (Seriously.)

I confess though, I spent a good portion of the show wondering what would inspire a person to join the circus. I mean, sure, it’s exciting, and everybody loves the circus, but how do you even go about joining? I bet for some, it’s a family thing, but they can’t all have inherited the circus gene, right?

If I were to join, I’d want to be the person who got to ride the elephants. It was really cool, they trained the elephants to lift up the rider with their front leg to help them mount. Awesome blossom.

So, would you ever join the circus? And what would you do there? Clown? Sheet-gymnasticker? Tiger trainer? Dancer? An invisible handler (the ones who wear all black as they bring stuff on stage)? Swing acrobat? A pooper scooper? So many options!

Speak up:



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