With T-minus 3 days and counting, I’ll be signing off until after the holidays, but here’s a peek at our eclectic little Christmas tree . . . laden with all the ornaments we’ve collected from every place we’ve visited.
I had to show this one: it’s an outhouse ornament we found in Steamboat springs. Classic!
And an ornament I made for my mom in first grade. (Awww, wasn’t I cute?)
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you all after the holidays. 🙂
Growing up, one of our Christmas traditions was to take cinnamon twists to all our friends and neighbors. My mom’s were the best, and we all loved helping dip them in butter and cinnamon sugar . . . and of course EATING them. 🙂
I have continued that tradition, and my kids love it! (In fact, I have dough rising in the kitchen as I type.)
So, I have never written a book that takes place at Christmas time, but for those of you who have, did you give your MC any fun traditions to look forward to? And for those of you who haven’t (like me), what is your favorite holiday tradition?