Janet Sumner Johnson
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What Do You Do Well?


15, 2010 |

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I was just thinking about how sometimes we don’t let ourselves admit when we do something very well. The world tells us we’re supposed to be humble about our talents or we’ll be hated like all those other conceited jerks out there.

So today I’m giving you a free pass: I want to hear what you think you do really well, and I promise not hate you and think you’re a conceited jerk. It can be anything! Maybe you are an exceptional teeth-brusher . . . you’ve never had a cavity (I wish!). Or maybe you have a talent for spinning a basketball on your finger. I don’t know, but I’d love to hear!

Okay, so me? I have a talent for making gravy. No lumps, perfect consistency, always yummy. 🙂

Speak up:



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