Janet Sumner Johnson
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Bruce Wayne

Where’s Lenny Lee . . . Birthday Bash


20, 2014 |

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Today, a special friend of mine is turning 15, and I wanted to give a shout out:

Happy Birthday

I have known Lenny (via blogging) for almost 5 years now, and it has been a privilege to be even the teensiest part of his life. He spreads sunshine wherever he goes. I only have to see his name to start grinning because that’s how powerful his influence is. He inspires me to be better. To be happier. To see the good in others. Thank you, Lenny! Thank you for being my friend!

If you don’t know Lenny, you should go meet him (he blogs HERE). Like, now. Okay, maybe like in a few minutes, because you don’t want to miss what comes next.

Lenny, just for you, because I love you that much, I have prepared a vlog. A VLOG! I’m afraid it’s hard to hear, for which I apologize, but anyway . . . ENJOY! (Seriously YouTube? You made THAT the thumbnail? *sigh*)

We all love and miss you Lenny! Please (super pretty please with sugar and a cherry on top!) come back to blogging!!

Or, as my personalized-license-plate-infatuated-self would say:  CUMBACK

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