Janet Sumner Johnson
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Tag, You’re It!

Jun 18, 2010 Uncategorized 24 comments

Sandy Shin tagged me for the Penmanship Meme. And I’m so glad! There’s so much you can learn about a person by looking at penmanship. The rule is to do the meme on paper and scan it (or take a picture if you don’t have a scanner). Here are the items:

1. Name/Blog Name.
2. Right handed, left handed or both?
3. Favorite letters to write?
4. Least favorite letters to write?
5. Write: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
6. Write in caps:
7. Favorite song lyrics?
8. Tag 7 people.
9. Any special note or drawing?

And here is my hand-written version of it. Wow, I can’t believe how self-conscious this made me of my writing! But it’s so fun to see people’s handwriting, so here we go:

Okay, if you can’t tell who I tagged: Jessie Oliveros, Raquel Byrnes, Janet Reid (*big grin*), Medeia Sharif, Lynn, Vicki Rocho, and Laurel. Don’t feel like you have to, but I’d love to see your handwriting. πŸ™‚ Then I can size you up, and analyze your psyche . . . bwa-ha-ha-ha!

So what does my handwriting tell you about me?


24 Responses to β€œTag, You’re It!”

  1. You've got cool handwriting! It would make a good microsoft font…:) My handwriting is way less cool. A munk once examined my handwriting at a highschool basketball game (long story) and derived that I'm a 'selective perfections' based on the way I write.

  2. You have cute handwriting, Janet. Creepy's right, it would make a great font. Love the self-portrait. πŸ˜€

  3. Aubrie says:

    There's a lot of personality in your handwriting. πŸ™‚

  4. Joanne says:

    There's definitely an artistic style going on in your cursive, well suited to a writer πŸ™‚

  5. This is very cool – I love seeing everyone's handwriting. It's like a part of your personality coming through!

  6. Your handwriting is awesomer than mine. πŸ™‚ And I, also, would love to see Janet Reid's handwriting. πŸ™‚

  7. Neat! So fun and different. I'll definitely try doing this one.

    You've got sweet, cute writing. πŸ™‚

  8. JustineDell says:

    Oh! Creepy's right about the font! I wonder if we can petition microsoft to add it to word??? That'd be awesome!


  9. wow this is neat. Love the handwriting sample!


    I cannot wait to see the others ;o)

    Visit My Kingdom Anytime

  10. Yay, I've been tagged. Looks like a fun meme.

    You write so much neater than me.

  11. Vicki Rocho says:

    I love this particular game! The voyeuristic side of me enjoys peeking at everyone's handwriting!

    Have a great weekend!

  12. I love your handwriting. It's smooth and flowing. CQG is right. It'd be a great font for typing. πŸ™‚

  13. Very nice handwriting. I see you draw a line through your Z's like my husband and son do.

  14. Julie Musil says:

    That is so cool! And your drawing is pretty darn good. Mine would be a stick figure with no hair.

  15. Katie says:

    What a fun idea! Your handwriting should be a font– seriously. And your fav song lyrics cracked me up. I love it!

  16. Niki says:

    What a neat tag. Love your wee picture hehe and your handwriting! Mine starts off neat then ends up all messy. :o)

  17. WritingNut says:

    I really like your handwriting too! It WOULd make a great font! Hahaha.. I love your song lyrics!

  18. Love your handwriting! I think it screams creativity. πŸ™‚

    I'm glad to find your blog. Very fun!


  19. You have nice handwriting…mine looks like chicken scratch.

  20. Myrna Foster says:

    I'm with Niki. My handwriting starts out well, until I get into whatever I'm writing. Then it deteriorates.

  21. Haha, I love it! Especially the gangsta lyrics. Your handwriting is straight-up fancy compared to mine. πŸ™‚

  22. Ha! That is so cute. And your handwriting is lovely. Mine is nearly illegible. I always have to apologize for it. Love your little self-portrait. Looks just like you πŸ˜‰ My drawings always have to be labeled (Dog. Cat. Human. Etc.).

  23. OceanDreams says:

    I like your handwriting! It is very neat and free flowing, probably means you might be easy going and very caring? πŸ™‚ Mine is very neat, it looks like a cross between cursive and manuscript. I'm very much a perfectionist.

  24. You've got great handwriting- much better than mine! My students are always complaining they can't read what I write- it just gets worse as the year progresses.

    And congrats on your 100 followers- you're way past that now!

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