Janet Sumner Johnson
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National Book Festival

Oct 01, 2010 Uncategorized 14 comments

One of the perks of living near DC is the National Book Festival held every year on the Mall. There are scads of authors who all do book signings and speak to the masses.

And PBS kids comes with Miss Rosa, and Steve Songs, and they give out all kinds of free stuff. I went last Saturday with my 3-year-old, and he was so excited to choose a free book compliments of Penguin Inc., receive a free book and book-making kit from Scholastic, and carry his free bag of goodies from PBS.

I so wanted to go hear Suzanne Collins speak, and get a signed copy I could give away, but alas my 3-year-old wouldn’t have it. However, I was standing 2 feet away from Margaret Peterson-Haddix (Among the Hidden series) before they rushed her off for her speaking gig. And I hear Michael Buckley (Sisters Grimm series) was excellent. One of these years I’ll actually get to hear the speakers. In the mean time, I basked in the glory of being there with my son who was just as excited about the books as I was.


14 Responses to “National Book Festival”

  1. Renae says:

    Though it's too bad you missed out on the speakers, at least you had a great experience with your son at what sounds like an amazing event!

  2. That sounds great (except for missing out on the speakers). Part of the fun of attending the LA SCBWI conference is that it's a chance to meet and see some of my favorite authors and illustrators present.

  3. T. Anne says:

    Lucky you! What a haul!!!

  4. Joanne says:

    How nice that your son goes along with you and enjoys this festival of books! With this fun beginning, he'll have a lifelong love of words 🙂

  5. I was out-of-town this weekend when this happened! Nooo! I'm glad you were able to attend though. It sounds like it was a lot of fun!

  6. storyqueen says:

    Sounds very cool.

    You are a lucky duck!


  7. I was living in Fairfax County during the first few years of the festival. I'll never forget turning around in the elevator and realizing I was sharing it with Jan Karon (Mitford series). She was gracious and lovely.

  8. so sorry you missed Suzanne, but by the load of goodies I can tell you still had a marvelous time!

    Visit My Kingdom Anytime

  9. Amie Kaufman says:

    Aren't events like that the best? I recently went to the World SciFi Convention here in Melbourne, and just rubbing shoulders with the authors was amazing!

  10. Sounds like a fun day for you and your son.

  11. Wow you got a ton of stuff!! You are the second person I have read about who attended.

  12. Rebecca B says:

    Awesome swag! Sounds like an incredible event.

  13. Celeste says:

    Okay- a green Nissan Cube with red interior? That would be so perfect! I saw a funny license plate the other day and thought of you. Now I can't remember it. Hmm.

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