Janet Sumner Johnson
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Hacky Sack Club Inductee: Melissa Sarno

Mar 14, 2012 Uncategorized 7 comments

I know I don’t usually post on Wednesdays, but after seeing Melissa’s deliciously fabulous video, I couldn’t resist.  Melissa, of This Too . . ., not only hacky sacks, but she speaks Hindi while doing it!

Perhaps that doesn’t sound impressive to you native speakers of Hindi out there, but to us simple folk who are native English speakers, it is truly an accomplishment. And I feel it’s relevent to mention that the mere act of speaking while trying to kick a little bag full of bean is a talent in and of itself . . . I certainly didn’t attempt it on my video.

Congrats Melissa! Welcome to the Hacky Sack Club!

And if anyone else wants to join, click here for the deets.


7 Responses to “Hacky Sack Club Inductee: Melissa Sarno”

  1. I love the responses you are getting! But I'm still chicken!

  2. Impressive! Marvelous! Inspiring! 🙂

  3. Old Kitty says:

    LOVED IT!! yay! Take care

  4. Carolyn V says:

    That is soooo cool! I have a hard time speaking any foreign language. 😉

  5. Emily says:

    Congratulations, Melissa! So impressive!

  6. Ha! I love it! So awesome!!

  7. LTM says:

    Yay!!! Congrats to Melissa, and yay! My hackey sack came today! woo hoo!!! :o) <3

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