Janet Sumner Johnson
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Guess That Car

Jun 02, 2010 Uncategorized 13 comments

You know me and personalized license plates. So, . . .

License Plate Game of the Week:

Guess the make, model and color (must be the specific color, and yes, that’s a hint) of the car with the following license plate:


Definitely do-able. First person to get it, I’ll mail a chocolate bar of their choice. If no one guesses by midnight EDT of Friday, June 4, we’ll try again another week. Okay, and to be fair, one guess per person. Make it a good one!

Good luck!


13 Responses to β€œGuess That Car”

  1. What a cute idea.

    Too bad I know nada about cars.

    The only thing I can guess is it's light green. And everyone can figure that out from the hint. πŸ˜‰

  2. eek I am clueless. I know it's green — how about a VW bug?

  3. I was going to guess Christina's answer. A lime green VW Bug comes right to mind.

    Fun post!

  4. Joanne says:

    A lime green Focus maybe?

  5. Sandy Shin says:

    A green bug is what jumped to mind, too! πŸ˜€

  6. Vicki Rocho says:

    I was going to say a lime green VW bug because that's what my character drives.

    But since that's been done…

    I'll say its a convertible…a green mini cooper convertible.

  7. Ok, I'm going to go against the grain and say that it's actually a gold/bronzy colour (not sure what that is in car term butr you know which colour I mean right?) on the outside with green interior to actually match the Kiwi fruit. And it's a a Smart car.

  8. Lisa_Gibson says:

    Hmmm, kiwi green Prius maybe. My other guess was taken. πŸ™ Fun little game. πŸ˜‰

  9. Talli Roland says:

    Oh goodness. I was going to say green too – maybe a Cooper mini?

  10. Kasie West says:

    That's funny that we all pictured a green VW bug (which coincidentally enough was my high school car), my second choice was a Prius. Hmmm, that leaves me with….A lime green Toyota Yaris (do they sell those in the US?<–that question made it sound like I don't live in the US, which I do).

  11. Jackee says:

    How cute!

    I'm going to guess a dark green Mini Cooper.

    Then again, it might be a more rounded car than a boxy car. Hmm… no, final answer. I'm stickin' to it!

    Have a great day!

  12. Lola Sharp says:

    GECKO green VW beetle/bug!!!

  13. Damn! Lola took mine!:)

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