Janet Sumner Johnson
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Personalized License Plates

License Plate Love


21, 2019 |

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Personalized License Plates

I LOVE talking about personalized license plates. And I haven’t done it for a LONG TIME!! Turns out I’ve been saving some license plate pictures for the moment I finally realized this.

For anyone new to my blog, I love personalized license plates because I’m a people watcher, and personalized plates let you peek into the life of the car owner. It gives us a glimpse of who they are, and tells about a part of their life that is important to them. Half the fun is figuring out what it’s supposed to say. The rest of the fun is in the stories you make up to explain why that’s important to them.

And as a writer, I think it’s a fun way to build characterization. Do you know what your character would choose for personalized plates? If not, play the game!! You might learn something about them!

Without further ado, on to the pictures!

Up first: MONAMIE


Perhaps this license plate would confuse some people, but I happen to speak French, so I happen to know that this awesome license plate says Mon Amie! or My friend!

My guess would be that this is a very friendly French speaker, or more likely a French expatriate now living in Utah. But funny thing, I actually got caught taking this picture by the owner of the car! She WAS very friendly, and she was, indeed from France. I did have to explain myself, but she didn’t mind my interest, and was happy to meet a French speaker. 🙂

Up next:  YRUHERE

This license plate cracked me up. I caught this picture while stopped at a light. Why ARE you here??! I was there on my way to a school visit, so a question I would soon be answering for hundreds of kids. As for this car owner, I would guess they have a wry sense of humor and mean to tell people to back off a little, OR (and more likely given the part of the country) they have strong religious beliefs and are asking the GREAT EXISTENTIAL question. Or perhaps it’s both!!

Next on the list: HRLYQUN

We have a Batman fan on our hands here, who apparently has a thing for Harley Quinn. Maybe they have a thing for the Joker. Maybe they identify with her hopeless love and tragic treatment by the man. But I like to think this is meant to be more light-hearted, and they just love the character and comic.


This one is a little less clear. LOVE to fly??? or LIVE to fly??? Or perhaps they liked that ambiguity because it’s both. The two do go together pretty well. I am guessing this is a pilot. ✈ It could be a professional career pilot, but I’m going on a limb and saying that they fly more for fun than for a job. Small planes. Maybe owns their own? Or perhaps I’m completely wrong, and they just love to drive fast. 🚥😊

Finally! My own: PBNJ

Yes, yes I did. My husband loved the idea, and encouraged this. Of course, symbols are not allowed, so no ampersand (&), but I think this worked out pretty well. People who know me have no doubt why I did this, and people who don’t know chuckle and comment: “You must really like PB&Js!”
Yes. Yes I do. In fact, I wrote  a whole book about it! 😂

But I must confess, PB&Js really are a huge part of my life, and they have shaped a lot of who I’ve become. Especially as an adult. And though it may be cliché, and though I will have more books published in the future, THE LAST GREAT ADVENTURE OF THE PB&J SOCIETY will always be my first. The one that sent me down the wonderful path of author-dom.

I want to know! What would be your personalized license plate? (7 letters max!)


Speak up:



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