Janet Sumner Johnson
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Blog Critique and Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 21, 2011 Uncategorized 22 comments

Today, my blog is being critiqued by Laura Barnes over on her site, Laura B. Writer: Building Author Media Presence. So please, if you don’t mind, steer clear of there.

Okay, okay. Please go check it out. Really. 😛

And since it’s a big holiday this week here in the States, I wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! In honor of the day, here is my short list of silly and serious thanks (my long list would take too long, but I’m sure you all understand it’s there, right?):

  1. That I’m not a turkey.
  2. That my husband puts up with me day in and day out (crazy writer and all)
  3. That my kids still love to give me hugs (and that they brag to their friends that I write books)
  4. That my Savior, Jesus Christ, loved me enough to die for me, so I can repent of my multitude of sins.

What are you thankful for?

P.S. I will be back blogging on Monday, Dec. 5


22 Responses to “Blog Critique and Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. The first one cracked me up. Yep, that is definitely something to be thankful for.

    Have a great time off, Janet!

    *Rushes off to check out blog critique*

  2. Old Kitty says:

    Awwww I couldn't leave a comment over at Laura's blog. I could see the box but the cursor wouldn't appear in the box and I didn't know where else to go so here I am!

    Well I think your blog is just lovely and I love the red background with the cursive writing and I love your pic with Oscar the Grouch – cos he's one of my fave characters in Sesame St LOL! Yay for you!

    Happy Thanksgiving! Take care

  3. Joanne says:

    Enjoy your week, Janet! I'm right behind Stina heading over to the blog critique …

  4. Slamdunk says:

    Amen Janet–God bless you and your family.

    On the way over to see now…

  5. Abby Fowers says:

    Oooh, a blog critique! So cool!

    I am thankful I am NOT a turkey too! I am thankful for health – something I do not have right now. I hate being sick and it reminds me not to take "being healthy" for granted.

  6. You are so funny, Janet 🙂 But I'm going over to check out your critique anyway! laura did mine a while back and I find her critiques are very helpful and always nice. I'm sure she thought very highly of yours. Happy T-day to you, too 🙂

  7. So, your list just broke my heart into happiness, if that's possible. 🙂

  8. MikeS says:

    You aren't a turkey?

  9. Very cool…I'm hoping over in a second. 😀

    I'm thankful for a lot of things…mostly this year I am thankful my daughter seems to be happy. Moving is always hard, but when you are a teen I think it presents new challenges. After three years, she seems to have found her happy place.

    Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving, Janet!

  10. Lenny Lee* says:

    hi miss janet! yikes! for sure im happy youre not a turkey! i got too much stuff im thankful for to list it out. for sure im just soooo thankful youre my blogger friend. 🙂 happy thanksgiving!!!
    …hugs from lenny

  11. LTM says:

    Aw! That's a wonderful list! I still say I'm a turkey sometimes, but I'm not really. Surprise! ;p

    And yep, kid hugs and forgiveness. All good stuff~ Happy Thanksgiving, CUF! <3

  12. Monica B.W. says:

    Nice list!! 😀
    And I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! 😀

  13. Ha!–I'm happy you're not a turkey, too! It's not a good week to be a turkey.
    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  14. I hope you had a great turkey day, my friend! And yes, I'm grateful both of us are not turkeys. I could be the other variety of turkey, I suppose, but that's a different problem! Will go check out what Laura says. That's an interesting thing to do.

  15. I'm thankful that I'm not a turkey, too! Hope you enjoyed your day.

  16. So very awesome to get your blog critiqued! If you don't mind, I'm going to go check it out.

    I hope your Thanksgiving was great!!

  17. Amie Kaufman says:

    Oh, thank heavens for those husbands — I'd be lost without mine! Now, off to check out that critique!

  18. He's my savior too, so awesome to see you state it so boldly! I am thankful I am learning to trust Him more.

  19. E.R. King says:

    I'm grateful for the Savior, too. We did a Nativity Reading Theater last night at church, and I'm the only one who cried through my part. I love this time of year!

  20. AWWW hope it was a good one!

  21. Great list of thanks (especially the 4th one)! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Janet!

  22. Elizabeth says:

    You have a very nice blog.




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