Janet Sumner Johnson
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You Are Beautiful!

May 24, 2012 Uncategorized 20 comments

So last night I stayed up late watching Pride and Prejudice with my husband (the long version), and I completely spaced on scheduling a post. But this song has been stuck in my head all week.

I just love it. I love the music. I love the video. I love the message.

Take this with you today. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!


20 Responses to “You Are Beautiful!”

  1. Thanks, Janet. I'll take that inspiration. 🙂

  2. Hi Janet – gosh don't we all need that song at times .. wonderful to hear. Hope you thoroughly enjoyed the Pride and Prejudice film .. I fall asleep! Hopeless .. cheers Hilary

  3. I haven't seen Pride and Prejudice! I know that I should. I've been hearing about it for a long time.

  4. Leslie Pugh says:

    I LOVE the long version of Pride and Prejudice! I love almost all of the versions I've seen but the long (BBC one right?) is the best!

    And thanks for the song. Haven't heard it before but it's great!

  5. MikeS says:

    Your husband is such a dear for sitting through that movie for you. Treasure him.

  6. Jess says:

    Awww, that was sweet! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  7. Old Kitty says:

    Awww and you are beautiful and wonderful lovely Janet! take care

  8. That was so sweet of him to watch it with you…I'm pretty sure my husband would go to another room.

  9. I've told you how I feel about you spending quality time with the family instead of blogging! Unacceptable!

  10. I've never seen this video before. Love it!!!!

    I can't remember if my husband has watch any Jane Austen movies with me. I know he hasn't watched the Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice (love that one!!!)

  11. I love Pride and Prejudice! Especially with Colin Firth… 🙂

  12. Emily says:

    Thanks for the shot of confidence. I needed it today! 🙂

  13. Chris says:

    Hi Janet, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wohttp://chelencarter-retiredandlovingit.blogspot.ca/nderful day. Hugs, Chris

  14. LTM says:

    no, YOU are beautiful!!! :o) Have a restful memorial day! And ahh, the BBC P&P. Classic. <3 NTM

  15. I totally understand why you spaced after watching P&P. It's like living in a whole different world for several hours.

    Thanks so much for sharing that song! I had never heard it before.

  16. Carolyn V says:

    Aw! That's an awesome song! I'll take it! =)

  17. Alice says:

    I love it too! Great message.

  18. Great song, I loved listening to it. I've watched Pride And Prejudice and liked it too.


  19. Dawn Simon says:

    That's sweet! I remember really liking the Colin Firth version of PRIDE AND PREJUDICE. That Colin Firth… *sigh* I also looooved the book–and, I admit, got a kick out of PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES.

  20. Your husband watches P & P with you???? Even the long version???? My husband would never believe that!! He makes so much fun of me for my love of Brit flicks.

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