Janet Sumner Johnson
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Feb 20, 2012 Uncategorized 16 comments

My Nostalgia Contest has ended and random.org has chosen some winners. Hooray! *throws confetti*

Winner #1: Amy Sonnichsen!
Winnter #2: Old Kitty!

You two are the proud new owners of a pack of Garbage Pail Kids! Send me your addresses and the Garbage Pail Kids will be on their way.

And Happy President’s Day to you all (even though I know many of you don’t celebrate it). If you want to read something President-ish, here’s a link to last year’s post. πŸ™‚


16 Responses to β€œWinners!”

  1. Congrats to the winners! πŸ™‚

  2. Old Kitty says:

    OH MY STARS!! Yayyayayayayy!! Oh wow!! Awww thank you thank you thank you! Yay!!

    Happy President's Day to you too!!

    Take care

  3. Congrats to the winners! It's not every day you win Garbage Pail kids πŸ™‚

  4. Congrats to your winners! Have a great "holiday" yourself!

  5. Congrats, Amy & Old Kitty.

    I fondly remember Garbage Pail Kids.

  6. Oh my gosh! *double squee!* Thank you so much, Janet!! Whooo hooo!

  7. Beth says:

    Congratulations to the winners! (Although I must admit that I needed to check what a Garbage Pail Kid is.)

    We're celebrating Family Day here, but Happy President's Day to you too!

  8. YaY to Amy. And double-YaY to my blogging friend Old Kitty!

  9. Tracy says:

    Doh! Where have I been that I didn't know there was a contest involving Garbage Pail Kids?!? I used to love those freaking things! Color me jealous of Amy and Old Kitty.

  10. Congratulations to the lucky winners!

  11. I forgot about Garbage Pail Kids. I think I blocked them out because I am still bitter about never getting a Cabbage Patch Kid.

  12. Congrats! to the winners! Enjoy your extended vacation weekend!

  13. Lenny Lee* says:

    hi miss janet! hooray for the winners!!!! you have the most cool contests. πŸ™‚
    …hugs from lenny

  14. Ha! I've been offline a lot lately, so I missed your contest, but I just had to pop in and say what a cool prize you had!

  15. CONGRATS to the winners!

  16. Lydia Kang says:

    Congrats to the winners! Happy (belated) President's day to you too!

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