Janet Sumner Johnson
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What I’m Reading: 10-y.o. Edition

Mar 24, 2014 Uncategorized 10 comments

We make frequent trips to the library at our house (luckily it’s super close), and 10-year-old always leaves with stacks and stacks of books. I try to limit him to what will fit in the library bag–but it doesn’t always happen that way. I think it’s really interesting to see what others are reading, so here is a snapshot of just a few of his recent selections*:

What does your TBR (to-be-read) pile look like?

P.S. Don’t forget to enter for your chance to win a signed copy of Gaby, Lost and Found. You can find the Rafflecopter HERE.

*I may have read some of these, too. 😉


10 Responses to “What I’m Reading: 10-y.o. Edition”

  1. Vicki Rocho says:

    Oooh oooh oooh….I want to read Once Upon The End! Such a sucker for once-upon-a-time stories!

    I am constantly trying to get the son to read more fiction. He reads constantly, but it's encyclopedias, manuals, or the history of *something* on the internet. Ask him about the history of Nintendo consoles….I dare you. 🙂 hahahaha

  2. I happen to have a bunch of MG fantasies on my TBR list right now. Gotta read the competition, right?

    So, in the month before my launch, I'm hoping to read: The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom, Sky Raiders, and The False Prince.

  3. Old Kitty says:

    Yay for your library and your library loving child!!! And look at all these fab books! Wonderful! Take care

  4. Sky Jumpers looks really good- just the cover makes my heart beat a little faster. Cuz falling through the sky isn't something I'd like to do anytime soon, lol!

  5. Sky Jumpers is on my TBR list. I am back to working on an MG manuscript and devouring MG books to get a feel for current MG wiles. Just finished reading When Audrey Met Alice and loved loved loved it!!!

  6. My TBR pile is toppling over because I have so many books I want to read and no time! One of the books in it, though, is a signed copy of Sky Jumpers from Peggy Eddleman 🙂

  7. My TBR list is 871 titles long (and counting!), but I'm currently reading Joy Fielding's 'Now You See Her' and my next two books are book club selections: City of Thieves by David Benioff and Gilead by Marilynne Robinson.

  8. MikeS says:

    I have two TBR piles. You can view my Goodreads pile. It is pretty big and I have no access to most of the titles. It is a true wish list. The other pile is a stack by my bed. I'm very slowly working my way down through the list of titles I happen to already have a copy of.

  9. Marcia says:

    I keep mine short lately. It has Ice Dogs and When Audrey Met Alice in it.

  10. I have two "to read" piles – the one I'm really working on and the much larger one for when I have time. I'm currently reading I Am Number Four, and will soon be reading Maze Runner and Insurgent.

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