Janet Sumner Johnson
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Top Writing Blogs

Jan 26, 2012 Uncategorized 22 comments

Right now, ecollegefinder is holding a vote for the top writing blogs. You can go vote for your favorite by clicking on the little badge below.

Online Colleges
Online Colleges

You have until Feb. 3, and you can actually vote for multiple blogs and on a daily basis.

Some of my favorite writing blogs are listed (Miss Snark’s First Victim and Shallee McArthur), while others I love (Literary Rambles and Janice Hardy’s blog) are missing. Someone kindly nominated my blog as well, but no pressure to vote for me.

So my questions to you are:

1) What makes a top writing blog? and

2) If you were nominating your favorite/most helpful writing blog, who would you nominate?


22 Responses to β€œTop Writing Blogs”

  1. Jessica Bell says:

    Congrats! I'm on the list too, but I'm convinced it's a ploy to get tons of back links to their site and have decided not to humour them. You think I'm being silly?

  2. Interesting to see who made the list. I know the vast majority of those people.

  3. Old Kitty says:

    Yay!! So many fabbo bloggie writerly friends are on this list! I am sooooooooo happy for all of you!!!

    Take care

  4. That sounds very prestigious. Off to clicky.

  5. Shallee says:

    Yay, I voted for you already several times! πŸ™‚ So excited for you.

    And I blushed to be mentioned on your blog. I'm glad you enjoy mine– I enjoy yours too!

  6. I received an email saying that I was nominated for this award, but chose not to be added to the list. There are so many blogs that are way more helpful, more deserving of this award than my blog.

    Janet, GOOD LUCK with the voting process!

  7. I like a writing blog that offers good information and a great voice. Two of my favorites are writeupmylife.com by Julie F. Hedlund and Susanna Hill's blog http://susanannhill.blogspot.com. Both offer serious information in a fun way. I'll click over.

  8. Beth says:

    Of course, I'd love to vote for you! On my way right now!

    But how can Literary Rambles be missing?

  9. Beth says:

    Done! Sounds like I can vote more than once, too!

  10. Congratulations on being a nominee! I'm on the list, too.

    It really surprises me that Literary Rambles isn't on it–that's such a well-known blog.

  11. Jemi Fraser says:

    I've voted for you and several other buddies a few times now! πŸ™‚

  12. Emily says:

    Hey, that's great news! Congratulations!

  13. Emily says:

    I voted for you! πŸ™‚

  14. Slamdunk says:

    Congrats on the nomination Janet. There are so many good writing blogs that I have gleaned tips from, I could not pick. Wow, that is a wishy-washy answer.

    I best go vote…

  15. Congrats! That's so awesome! I actually saw your name in the list and voted for you just moments before clicking on your blog.

  16. Amie Kaufman says:

    I'm off to vote, good luck!

  17. Hi Janet .. good luck and hope you do well .. cheers Hilary I'm popping over to vote ..

  18. Elizabeth says:

    Lovely blog….OLD follower.

    I am stopping by from the Top Writing Blog competition.

    Just wanted to say hello. This is a great way to find new blogs and visit ones you haven't visited in a while. πŸ™‚

    Elizabeth – Silver's Reviews


  19. Good luck!

    I'm off to vote πŸ™‚

  20. I'm familiar with most of those blogs. πŸ™‚ I've received invaluable writing advice from many of them.

    Good luck.

  21. LTM says:

    see, I got the email about this, too–as did Matt (we discussed it)… I wonder if this is legit. Anywhoo, I'll run over and vote. Whatevs~ :o) <3

  22. I missed the voting window, but I agree with Literary Rambles, Miss Snark, and I'd add YA Highway and The Bookshelf Muse.

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