Perhaps I should have done this in the beginning, but to entice you to play this game with me, here are the prize packages to be won by the top three contestants:
The Possession Prize Package:
The MG/PB Prize Package:
The Mystery Prize Package:
For the complete rules, click here, but really, it’s basic word association. So go ahead, click on over and add your responses for each contest day.
Apples to Apples Contest Day 1
Apples to Apples Contest Day 2
Apples to Apples Contest Day 3
Apples to Apples Contest Day 4
Apples to Apples Contest Day 5
Apples to Apples Contest Day 6
Apples to Apples Contest Day 7
Apples to Apples Contest Day 8
Apples to Apples Contest Day 9
Apples to Apples Contest Day 10
And remember, the contest closes at Midnight, EDT, 4 September 2011. May the most clever answers win!
P.S. I won’t be here Monday, as I’ll be out there laboring or something for, you know, Labor Day. And my blogging friend Amy just nabbed an agent, so go congratulate her at The Green Bathtub if you get a chance. So excited for her!
If you’ve been living in a hole, you may not have heard that Ms. Elana Johnson, woman extraordinaire, is celebrating the release of her debut novel, Possession. I’m so excited for her, that I couldn’t resist participating in the launch.
My job is to tell about a time when I broke the rules. And confession, this was not so easy for me. Can you tell I’m one of those people? The kind who always keeps the rules and tows the line? *cough* Yeah.
But I have broken a rule or two in my day.
I think.
Just give me a second to remember when . . .
Okay! I’ve got it: In sixth grade when I got to help serve lunch (total privilege, btw!), I gave two desserts, count them TWO, to a cute boy. Ha! Take that, cafeteria rules.
And then there was that time or two I pulled a California stop at a stop sign [aka, I only slowed down a little before going through it, rather than coming to a complete stop]. Total rule breaking, right there.
So yeah, I am no Vi (the mc in Possession). Let’s just hope I never live to see the world as it exists in Elana’s book.
What rules have you broken?
And if you care to check out any other blogs participating in this launch, here’s the list:
And P.S. Don’t forget to swing by Friday for the interview with Molly Jaffa, Agent at Folio Literary!