Janet Sumner Johnson
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Mystery prize

Apples to Apples Contest: Prizes to Win!


01, 2011 |

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Perhaps I should have done this in the beginning, but to entice you to play this game with me, here are the prize packages to be won by the top three contestants:

The Possession Prize Package:


The MG/PB Prize Package:


The Mystery Prize Package:


For the complete rules, click here, but really, it’s basic word association. So go ahead, click on over and add  your responses for each contest day.

Apples to Apples Contest Day 1
Apples to Apples Contest Day 2
Apples to Apples Contest Day 3
Apples to Apples Contest Day 4
Apples to Apples Contest Day 5
Apples to Apples Contest Day 6
Apples to Apples Contest Day 7
Apples to Apples Contest Day 8
Apples to Apples Contest Day 9
Apples to Apples Contest Day 10

And remember, the contest closes at Midnight, EDT, 4 September 2011. May the most clever answers win!

P.S. I won’t be here Monday, as I’ll be out there laboring or something for, you know, Labor Day. And my blogging friend Amy just nabbed an agent, so go congratulate her at The Green Bathtub if you get a chance. So excited for her!

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Mystery Prize Revealed


28, 2011 |

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The winner of my most recent License Plate Trivia contest, Stina Lindenblatt, chose the Mystery Prize. I wanted to make sure she got it before I did the big reveal, but it has arrived!

So are you ready? For those of you who don’t know, I love fairy tales. So when I found this, I was giddy with admiration for whoever thought of it. I knew I had to find a way to use it for my blog.

The Mystery Prize?

A Frog Prince!

Stina has obligingly posted a couple of pictures on her blog, Seeing Creative. Plus, you get the total bonus that it was posted at the beginning of her Cool Links Friday post. Every week she compiles a list of all the best posts over the past week for people working on their writing craft. So while you’re there, check out her awesome blog or check out some of the great links she’s posted. You won’t regret it.

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License Plate Trivia Revealed


07, 2011 |

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So wow, I was impressed with how many of you got the color right! *wink, wink*

For those of you just tuning in, the license plate was


My readers were charged with guessing the color, make and model.

But alas, no one got it exactly right. Stina Lindenblatt was the closest with the guess of a Red, Toyota, Sienna.

Red, yes. Toyota, yes. Sienna, no.

This license plate actually corresponds to the car model. “ROS3” or Rose is a type of flower, no? So this car was a red Toyota Corolla. Corolla is a Latin word which means the collective petals of a flower. Not a perfect fit, but you can definitely see the connection.
In any case, congratulations, Stina! You have the choice of your favorite candybar or a Mystery Prize. It may be better than a candybar. It may not be (bwa-ha-ha!). Your pick. 😀

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License Plate Trivia


31, 2011 |

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It’s been way too long since I did one of these. So for those who haven’t played before, guess the Make, Model, and Color of the car with the following license plate:


First person to guess correctly can choose between their favorite candy bar or a mystery prize (which may or may not be as good as the candy bar *insert evil laugh here*).

P.S. If you haven’t weighed in on the last This vs. That post, please do! I hate to beg, but I’d love more opinions . . .  it’s a TOUGH decision. 😉

P.P.S. Garrett, I still owe you . . . I’ve been searching for that Cadbury Egg, I may have to go with your back-up. Just didn’t want you to think I’d forgotten!

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Last Day to Enter Our Contests!


22, 2010 |

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Just a quick reminder: TODAY is the last day to enter mine and Jessie’s contests. Click here for the details.

And wow, since I’m so close to having 150 followers, if I get there before the contest ends, I will let 2 people choose a mystery prize. Doors 1–4. Woo hoo! Aren’t you excited? 😉

Have a good one!

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