Janet Sumner Johnson
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01, 2022 |

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Braver than Brave,Musings

Hello! Now that it is 2022, I feel like I’m speeding towards the release date of BRAVER THAN BRAVE! There is so much going on. And I have news for you!

Upcoming Posts:

Next Monday (3/7), I will have the fabulous children’s author Dee Romito here on the blog, talking about her chapter book series, FORT BUILDER’S INC. Trust me, you don’t want to miss that!

On March 21st, I will have picture book author Cindy Williams Schrauben here to talk about her debut book THIS COULD BE YOU. And no worries, I promise to remind you as it gets closer.

Where to find me:

Today, even though I am here telling you about all these fun upcoming posts, I am actually over on the brand new blog of children’s author Mary Boone! She has a fun new series called “Six Questions.” So you can read all about my writing process, what I was like as a kid, and get some insider information on BRAVER THAN BRAVE which releases on August 1st of this year. I hope you check it out (link is above)!


Finally, in case you missed it and are extra curious about my upcoming book, I was also recently on Tara Lazar’s blog Writing for Kids (While Raising Them) for a cover reveal. On that post, I share the genesis for the story idea for BRAVER THAN BRAVE.

Connect with me:

And okay, one last thing. I’ve discovered a love of making humorous Reels on Instagram about family life and being an author. If you want to see what I’m up to, come find me! I’d love to connect over there. My username is @janetsumnerjohnson. 🙂

And that’s it for the news! Though I’ll definitely be talking about my upcoming book here on my blog over the next several months, I also plan to tell you about other great books releasing into the world, and their amazing authors. Thanks for hanging around, and if there’s anything particular you’d love for me to post about, let me know!

P.S. If you missed the author interview with Zeena Pliska, check it out HERE.

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