Janet Sumner Johnson
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Summer is Over

Sep 15, 2014 Uncategorized 7 comments
Hello! I’m back! Summer has ended and time has sped up. In fact, I blinked and now it’s the middle of September. Crazy!
Now I’m trying to remember what I actually did this summer. Let’s see . . . 
. . . and gosh this list is boring. So instead of babbling on, I’ll just bid you all a happy halloo!
 What have you all been up to?


7 Responses to “Summer is Over”

  1. SA Larsenッ says:

    You had a busy summer. Good for you! Love the mountain concert.

    I've been occupied with my kiddos. I did a ton of reading over the summer, and decided to switch writing genres from otherworldly stuff to contemporary. Still outlining that story. Great to have you back!

  2. I'll bet the concert was a lot of fun!
    I did some chauffeuring this summer too, but not as much as I would have done if my oldest daughter hadn't gotten her driving license. She did quite a lot of driving for me!

  3. And a happy halloo to you, Janet! So lovely to see you back on your blog! And in case it makes you feel less old, my 20 high school reunion was a while ago… and my 30 college reunion ain't that far off! 🙂

  4. It sounds like you had a busy one. It will be nice to read your posts again. 🙂

  5. Glad to have you back in the blogosphere! My summer also seemed to go my in a flash with work, travel, and the kiddo at home. It's nice to be back in a routine (esp with the kiddo NOT at home but in school!).

  6. Hi, Janet. Welcome back! You had a really busy summer. The symphony in the mountains sounds like fun.

  7. Marcia says:

    Halfway across the country is quite an accomplishment! Summer always goes so fast. It's good to see you back.

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