Janet Sumner Johnson
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NaNoReviMo 2012

Nov 05, 2012 Uncategorized 15 comments

I have known about NaNoWriMo for about 4 years now. And I have never done it.

My mini-writing challenge with Leigh Moore last March told me that I would pretty much stink at it. Like a lot.

Last year at this time, I was just gearing up for some major revisions on my book, and I was fortunate enough to discover a group working on revisions instead of writing. We called our November NaNoReviMo.

Ironically, many of us are in the same boat this year, so we have rebanded. Jessie Humphries is keeping us organized, so if you’re interested in joining, go check out her blog and shoot her an email.

Anyhoo, the point of this post is that we are supposed to publicly announce our revision goals to keep us accountable and junk like that, so here are my revision goals for this month:

I know I should be more specific with daily goals, but since I’m super close on everything but the last one,  my daily goal is simply to work on one of these three things. Six days a week. Definitely do-able!

So what are your writing goals this month?


15 Responses to β€œNaNoReviMo 2012”

  1. Julie Luek says:

    Great goals– I'm loving being a part of this encouraging group. It really is helping me keep on task and motivated. Glad to connect with you!

  2. I'm finishing draft two today and then I'll be working on planning my next project. There's not NaNo for me. I'm expecting to take the next two weeks or three weeks to plan my NA novel. At least I don't have to write 50 K this month to achieve that goal. πŸ˜€

  3. I love being part of the NaNoReviMo group! I'm like you – I couldn't really come up with very specific daily goals for revising, but I did list what I wanted to accomplish by the end of the month. Good luck with your goals. πŸ™‚

  4. Great goals! I didn't set out daily goals either. I think I'm just going to take it one day at a time. πŸ˜‰

    Go ReviMo!

  5. LTM says:

    Woo hoo!!! Good luck with your revisions! And you would've done FINE w/Nano! You did a great job in our challenge! :o) <3

    I'm not writing any this month. Except for promo posts… But I plan to dive in w/a vengeance come Dec/Jan! Maybe another challenge~

  6. Sounds like you're doing great, Janet! And my goals are write something… ANYthing! πŸ™‚

  7. Accountability is key! And those of us who keep checking in benefit the most I think. Keep up the good work! πŸ™‚

  8. Old Kitty says:

    Good luck with your writerly goals!!!
    Hope you have a great productive November!! Take care

  9. These are totally do-able, and I know you'll knock it out of the park!

  10. Lynn says:

    Excellent goals Janet. I did NaNoWrMo last year and did get a lot done. I did stay away from the social aspect of it, and just made it a personal goal. Honestly, I haven't made my goals for November. Guess doing that is the first goal for this month!

  11. What a great idea! I'm in the middle of revisions, too. Seems like I always am in November. I'll check it out, if it's not too late. Good luck with your impressive to-do list!

  12. Vicki Rocho says:

    I've never participated in NaNo either. Somehow November keeps sneaking up on me. I think about it in October and then next thing I know we're a week in and I'm going "DOH!"

    March (or January even – I'm always free in January) would be much better for me.

    Good luck with your revisions!

  13. Great goals! It sounds like you are going to have a productive month. πŸ™‚

  14. nutschell says:

    wonderful goals! I just finished revising my manuscript for the 5th time. I'm sure it won't be the last draft, either.:)

  15. short sweet and to the point goals, i like that πŸ™‚ new follower here, hi!

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