Janet Sumner Johnson
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My Crazy in Pictures

Jun 08, 2015 Uncategorized 9 comments

The last few months have been full of crazy. Or I could use other adjectives like exciting. Fun. Adventure. Sports. Play. Work. Celebration. Food. Art. Writing. Culture. Bonding. Homecomings.

Lots of good things. But LOTS of things. I’ll be going off-line for a bit since we will be moving in a couple of weeks. But for your viewing pleasure, my crazy (and by crazy, I mean awesome) life in pictures:

This might have been one of my favorite parts of the trip.
Ile de Ré on bikes!

Oh wait! I mean THIS was my favorite part. Tartelette aux fraises!

I could have stayed here forever. So peaceful!

You can’t go to Paris without seeing the Eiffel Tower.

Or the Mona Lisa.
(Do I look exhausted??? Yeah, it was the end of a full day of travel and site-seeing. I was EXHAUSTED. All-caps are needed to fully capture the feeling.)

And Versaille. (Though it wasn’t my favorite. Don’t hate me!)

My 11-yo and I took the stairs to get to Sacré Coeur.
Yep. We are that awesome.

And Crèpes. Need I say more?

Home never felt so good!

Because I got to watch my soccer star!

And play with my crazy, pink-loving Girlie.
And yes! This is me making my book deal all official. Release date is Spring 2016!!
I hope you all have a great summer! I’ll be back as soon as I get my world organized in my new place.

9 Responses to “My Crazy in Pictures”

  1. MikeS says:

    Great pictures. Are you making a stop here on your way to your new home?

  2. Congratulations on the book deal! And it looks like you had a lot of fun in France. Yeah, Versaille was not my favorite part either. We were there in the height of the tourist season — waited two and a half hours in the searing sun to get in — and then were gleefully trampled by the crowd inside. I wasn't sure we'd get out alive.

  3. Slamdunk says:

    Wow! That looks like a memorable trip–would love the family bicycling.

    Congrats on your deal, and I am glad to hear that all of your hard work is paying off.

    Enjoy your time away Janet.

  4. Hi Janet, Good luck on your move. Sad that our real-life paths won't cross so easily anymore:) And France? That's awesome!

  5. Amaaazing. I want to be in Paris right. now. In my mind, I am. Congratulations, again, on the book deal (you know how excited I am!) I love the 'official' signing photo. And best of luck with the move.

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  9. Wow! What a fun trip! Great to see your making your book deal official. Huge congrats!

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