Yes!!! This is THAT big news: I. Have. An. Agent! *insert cheesy grin and maybe a squee or two*
I know! Cool, right?
And do you know how hard it was not to say anything last week?!! Well I assure you, it was hard.
So who is this agent you ask? The wonderfully fabulous Victoria Marini of Gelfman Schneider Literary Agents, Inc.
She read my manuscript in one sitting guys. And when she e-mailed me, she used words like “wonderful,” “marketable,” and “fabulous.” I’ve read others’ experiences so many times, and wondered if an agent could ever really love my little book enough to offer representation. Seriously, I am all agog at the fantastickness of it.
I have a whole long “How I Got My Agent” post written out in my head with all kinds of thanks involved which I’m sure will be coming shortly, not to mention a celebration of some sort, but for now I give you the mandatory ‘I’m-signing-my-contract’ picture. (And yes, my desk is always that clean. Why do you ask?)
So what is your good news, today?
Wow! Oh, I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!!
Congrats! Fabulous news!
Congratulations, Janet! How awesome!
congratulations! victoria has read two of my novels (and passed on both, obviously) and she's just lovely. so excited for you!
!!!!!!! CONGRATS, Janet! *YAY*
So happy for you!!! Best news I've read all morning!
JANET!!!! This is so amazingly awesome awesome. So happy for you!! The hacky sack club rejoices!!!!
YAY! How cool!
Woo hoo! Congrats, Janet!
Congratulations!! I knew it was just a matter of time!
Janet Summer Johnson!!!!!!
You utter star!! WOW!! Huge congratulations!!! Am doing a happy hacky sacky dance just for you!! Watch me kick up my heels and go "yeeee-haaaaa"!!!! Yay!!
Take care
Congratulations! So excited for you!
CONGRATS, Janet! That is AWESOME news. I'm so happy for you. : )
Woohoo! That's fantastic news! Congratulations! I've heard wonderful things about her, and I bet it's going to be a great match. Good luck with your submissions (and your revisions, if you have any). Yay!!!
Janet, that is wonderful! Congratulations!
Congrats, omg!!! YAY!!!
HUGE congrats!! I'm so happy for you!
That's such exciting news, Janet! Congratulations! Squeeeeeee, Indeed! Huge hugs to you!
Hurray! Fantastic! Congratulations! And my big news is that I'm so happy for you! 🙂
Congratulations!! That's wonderful news! 🙂
HOORAY!!!! 😀
Yay, congratulations! 🙂
Congratulations, Janet! 😀
Wow! I am so happy for you. But I knew it was only a matter of time.
Hooray hooray for the official contract! And I'm so glad to find you have a blog! I love it.
Congratulations! And, what awesome feedback. Good luck in the next step!
Great news! Congratulations
Woo hoo! I saw all your comments on Query Tracker! So glad to hear your official good news!
Grinning from ear to ear with you, Janet. Congrats!!!
Oh, my big news? I'm finally getting my trees trimmed today! Yay!
Yay for you!!!! Congrats, Victoria is awesome! So happy for you!
WOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! So excited for you! I think you 2 will make a great team!! Now off to do a happy dance for you (although it may not be as lovely as Amy's…) 🙂
Congrats! It is always wonderful to read this kind of news!
Happy dancing for you right now! Woo hoo! 😀
CONGRATULATIONS! That's awesome! 🙂
JANET!! Squeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! I'm doing a happy-hula-hackey-sack dance for you right now!!! 😀 😀 😀
Catherine Denton
That is fabulous news, Janet. Congratulations!!!
OK, I knew, but SQUEE!!! again! SQUEE!!! I'm so happy for you, CUF!!! You are awesome, and your books are hilarious and fantastic and marketable and all those great things she said.
Can't wait to watch you soar (on your little fairy wings, of course)~ :o) <3
Congratulations Janet! That is wonderful news!
Congratulations! This is awesome news Janet! Wishing you and your agent a long prosperous life together!
Oh my and oh my! Janet, I am so thrilled for you! Congratulations!
!!!!!!! So happy for you, Janet!
WOWZERS!!! Congrats! What exciting news 🙂 (still hoping we run into each other soon!)
I just saw the announcement on QT!!!! I was like – is that MY Janet Johnson???? when I saw "peanut butter and jelly" I knew it was!!!!
Giddy with happiness for you and your book!
I'm so thrilled for you! I've loved this since the first workshop we were in together. Congratulations!
Hi Janet .. that is brilliant isn't it – enjoy the weekend .. I'm sure you will – cheers Hilary
Congrats!! I'm a fellow Victoria client, and she's just wonderful. You're going to love her! Here's to a fast sale!! 🙂
I just saw your success story on QT! I've loved the idea of your book since I first saw it last summer. So happy for you!! Yay!
FANTASTIC news!! SO happy for you 🙂