And while I have been so sorely tempted to go hide in the bathroom and cry (or scream at the top of my lungs) more than once, all my wanna-be complaints were put into perspective when the 14-month old son of a family from church was scalded in the bathtub this week (3rd degree burns over 60% of his body), and shipped off to a distant hospital to undergo several surgeries over the course of the next few months.
Suddenly all my “overwhelming” challenges didn’t seem quite as hard as I thought they were. So in that light, I wanted to give my top ten things I love about my life this week.
10. Brandt singing “slippery fish” whenever he hears the word “fish.”
8. Khyah-smiles. She’s a little charmer.
7. Boys dancing to music in the living room.
6. London and Brandt showing me how they can dive off the diving board (i.e. couch) and do flips and twists just like they saw on TV.
5. London finding a large strawberry, and telling me to hurry and get the camera (he knows that pictures of him eating strawberries are worth something!).
4. Khyah getting a clean bill of health at her well-check this week. (And being told that she is an “exceptionally well-proportioned baby”).
3. Daddy leading the kids in a silly face-making contest.
2. Big hugs from my boys and London telling me: “You’re the best mama.”
1. Rick surprising us at the pool (even though we had left specifically so he could get some sleep).
Awwww… 🙂 great reminders!
I think my kids are going to have a new favorite song with slippery fish.
Being a Mom is really hard work! But the most awesome too, especially when your kids tell you, that they LOVE you 🙂
Don't knock your own tough times, though. Give yourself credit! But my prayers are with the 14-month old. 🙁 I hope everything improves – even those things which are already great. Don't you love Mommy hood?