1) Rachel McClellan over at Blackbird in my Window is hosting a summer writing contest with Lauren Ruth from the BookEnds Agency as the judge. Check out the contest rules here.
You have until August 11th to submit your first 500 words, so polish your work and go check it out.
2) Also, there is an editor-judged contest over at Gabriela Lessa’s blog. There are four different editor-judges from Sourcebooks, each one judging a different category from PB through Adult lit. You can enter through Aug. 9th, so go check it out here.
Best of luck!
P.S. I know this isn’t much of a post, but I have something super fun planned for the next couple of weeks! Can’t wait to tell you all about it next Monday!
I think it's an awesome post. π
Wow, so many cool contests. Thanks for the linkies!
But I wanna know what the exciting thing is right now!?!
hi miss janet! yikes! super exciting?????!!!! woweee cant wait to find out.
…hugs from lenny
Exciting? What? What is it?
Now i'm so curious!
They sound need, and way to end on a mysterious note π
<3 a new follower
For some reason, Google Friend Connect didn't realize I was following you. Situation rectified!
Thank you for all the awesome contest links! I joined the John Cusick micro synopsis one, so I'll wait with you on that one! Heading over to read your synopsis now.
Okay, I'm a dork. I already read and LOVED your micro synopsis. It elaborates on an already compelling pitch. Can't wait to see this one on the shelf!
Wow. Those are awesome! I'll have to check them out. Thanks for posting Janet (this will give me something to think about submitting to). =)
Great contests — good luck to all those who enter! Aaaaaand can't wait for the exciting stuff coming up!
Great! Looking forward to the super dooper announcement next Monday. Must be big! I can feel it.
Sharing fabulous information always makes for a great post! Thank you!!!
Thanks for all the information! Lots of great stuff going on.