Janet Sumner Johnson
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Hardness is Good

Jul 14, 2011 Uncategorized 8 comments

Sorry I missed Monday, but I underestimated the fatigue factor of jet lag. Definitely still recovering here.

So with a promise for something exciting come Monday, here’s a quote from A League of Their Own:

“If it weren’t hard, everyone would do it. It’s the hard that makes baseball great.” – Jimmy Dougan (Tom Hanks)

Of course, you can swap out baseball for whatever hard thing you’re working at and the idea still holds true. If you can’t guess, I replace it with “writing.” If it all came too easily, I don’t think I’d appreciate the craft of writing as much as I do. And I certainly wouldn’t appreciate any success I may have.

So I’m glad that writing is hard! (Though I can’t believe I just put that in writing.)

How about you? What would you swap in for “baseball”?


8 Responses to “Hardness is Good”

  1. LTM says:

    well, landing a publishing deal, of course. 😀 So where have you been??? I'm just getting back myself, and talk about the fatigue factor of moving. It's insane. But yay! Getting back into the swing~ :o) <3

  2. YEs, I'd put writing in there, too. And life!!! Life is hard (growing up I don't know why but I assumed life got easier, not harder!!!) but I am learning how to appreciate that aspect of it. We wouldn't learn to look past ourselves, otherwise. Oh dear, getting deep 🙂

  3. Beth says:

    Writing and parenting. Both difficult, and both great.

  4. It's the difficult stuff that's worth it, I think. 🙂

  5. I'd put writing in there too. Although I wish submitting was easier…

  6. Nick Thomas says:

    How about "cement" ?

  7. I'd put writing or dieting in place of baseball.

    Just recently watched A League of Their Own. Good movie! Great quote!

  8. Writing, yes. And heating published, for sure. How about getting an agent. It's all hard, but certainly worth the effort.

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