Janet Sumner Johnson
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Blog Tour: Count 1, 2, 3 With Me

Nov 11, 2013 Uncategorized 7 comments

So yes, I’m really still on break, hard at work on NaNoWriMo (so far so good!), but I had the opportunity to be part of Connie Arnold’s Blog Tour for the release of her latest picture book, Count 1,2,3 With Me. This tour is Also for her new inspiration book, Peaceful Moments of Love and Light. Connie is such a sweet, kind, and supportive author, so I was thrilled to be asked and couldn’t turn it down.

I had the chance to read Connie’s book, which counts from one to ten, painting scenes from the life of a child. It has a fun rhyming text, with bright, vivid images which can easily be counted by children learning to count. As a parent, I love that the text is short, without feeling skimpy. Counting the objects together would easily add length if you were looking to spend more time on a book, but I love finding quick, fun reads that I can read to my kids at night (especially when it is past bedtime–more than likely mine!).  

You can purchase this book from Connie’s website,
from Amazon, or from 4RV Publishing. These links will take you directly to her book.

Also, Readers can comment on this post, or on the posts of other stops in the blog tour, to receive entries in a drawing for three prizes: 

  1. A set of three candle holders.
  2. A signed copy of Connie’s first book.
  3. A framed sunset print with one of Connie’s inspirational verses.
Details about the blog tour, prizes and schedule are on Connie’s blog.

7 Responses to “Blog Tour: Count 1, 2, 3 With Me”

  1. Thank you for taking time from your break and hard work on NaNoWriMo to be a valuable part of my blog tour, Janet. Glad it is going well! Thank you for your kind words and great review.

    I'll be back during the day and looking forward to your readers' comments and entries into the prize giveaways. Count 1,2,3 With Me is at special low price now from 4RV, both books reduced on Amazon or folks can get a signed copy from my website for gift giving.

  2. Old Kitty says:

    Awwww sounds adorable!!! Take care

  3. Thanks, Kitty! Janet did a nice job of describing it in her post. Have a lovely week!

  4. This book sounds very cute, Janet, and I'm betting there are lots of tired parent who agree with you that short is good! 🙂

  5. Susanna, I'm sure many parents would agree with Janet's comment about quick, fun reads at bedtime, wouldn't they?

  6. So glad to see you giving Connie some blog love! Her new books look lovely!

  7. Sharon, I'm feeling surrounded by bloggy love lately! I'm glad you like the books.

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