Janet Sumner Johnson
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Apples to Apples Contest: Day 3

Aug 22, 2011 Uncategorized 29 comments

For the complete rules on how to play, click here. Otherwise, it’s word-association–choose a word (or short phrase) associated with my word:

Rubber Gloves

29 Responses to โ€œApples to Apples Contest: Day 3โ€

  1. hey that's two words! my first thought is


  2. LTM says:


    (did you expect anything less from NTM? ;o)

  3. Lori M. Lee says:

    lunch lady ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Lenny Lee* says:

    hi miss janet! yikes! the most very first thing that got in my head is butt. ouch! ha ha.
    …hugs from lenny

  5. MikeS says:

    Hand walker's galoshes.

  6. soapy water

    (This is really fun, btw, Janet. You're so creative!)


  7. Carolyn V says:

    Dirty dishes. Ew. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Beth says:

    Mittens worn by bridge players?
    (I know … I'm reaching.)

  9. Kelley says:

    The slap noise when you stretch the cuff

  10. Super-villain! (Of the ominous disney types, if that matters. :D)

  11. Super-villain! (Of the ominous disney types, if that matters. :D)

  12. Dayse D. says:

    "But Moooooom, it's not my turn!"

  13. two by two, hands of blue

  14. "Oh Help!, run"

    (…. this is so funny, just reading all the comments.)

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